
Policy ESG

CLIFF SGR ESG policy consists in carrying out a specific due diligence of the financed subjects by monitoring the stages of achievement of some ESG indicators.

01.Screening and Diagnosis Phase

In this phase, a screening of both the market and the company under analysis is carried out to assess its conduct on ESG issues as well as its ability to cope with risk factors.

02.Monitoring and Reporting Phase

In this phase, the identified ESG principles are applied to all investment activities, assessing their sustainability and results. Key indicators (KPIs) will also be identified, to be included in the action plan that will feed into annual reports.

03.Exit Phase

Finally, in this last phase, the most relevant ESG factors are evaluated in order to provide feedback to investors on the initiatives taken in compliance with ESG policies.

ESG Committee

Cesare Damiano is President of “Lavoro & Welfare” Association. University lecturer and author of numerous publications, he was Minister of Labor in the second Prodi Government and president of the Labor Commission of the Chamber of Deputies in the XVII Legislature.
Cesare Damiano
President of the ESG Committee
Salvatore Casabona is Secretary of Assofondipensione and Head of “Previdenza complementare della CGIL nazionale”. He boasts many years of experience as a Board Member of numerous social security institutions and pension funds.
Salvatore Casabona
Member of the ESG Committee
Davide Zanichelli, former Deputy of the Republic in the XVIII Legislature and former member of the VI Finance Commission, boasts a degree in Computer Engineering, a Master’s degree in Fintech from Luiss and many years of experience in IT at Bper Banca.
Davide Zanichelli
Member of the ESG Committee

CLIFF SGR is a partner of the National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea (ONTM), a Third Sector body which aims to pursue non-profit civic, solidarity and social utility goals in the environmental sector and, in particular, in the marine sector, taking care to contribute to a synthesis between environmental protection and economic and social processes.

Festivalmeteorologia 2023 edition

CLIFF SGR S.p.A. is a Partner of the 2023 edition of Festivalmeteorologia, a festival that deals with the topics of Communication, Education and Profession in meteorology and the growing link between meteorology and ESG investments.

aligns itself with what is set forth by the UN 2030 Agenda
for sustainable development